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The principal function of the Register is to support and encourage best practice and research-based standards in hypnosis and psychotherapy. We publish a directory of accredited hypno-psychotherapists who adhere to the philosophy and values of evidence-based practice. The Register also provides a simple route for students and current practitioners to achieve professional accreditation in evidence-based hypnotherapy and psychotherapy.

What is Evidence-Based Hypno-Psychotherapy?

Until recently, the strength of research evidence supporting the field of hypnosis has been obscured by pseudoscientific therapies and "pop psychology" approaches which foster serious misconceptions about the true nature of hypnotism and its therapeutic applications. All members of the Register are required to pledge adherence to the practice of hypno-psychotherapy based on evidence from clinical trials and experimental studies, and integrated with theories and concepts consistent with mainstream psychology and health science. Read more

Brain under hypnosis (Credit: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, via Scientific American).

New Diploma in Evidence-Based Hypno-Psychotherapy

The Register have designed and will be administering a new professional diploma award in evidence-based hypnotherapy.  This qualification is partially mapped against the official National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Hypnotherapy, published by Skills for Health, the Sector Skills Council for the health sector. As part of this process, the UK College has now
been approved as a training centre officially registered with NCFE, a leading Government-recognised awarding body.
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What is Evidence-Based Practice in Therapy

One influential definition of evidence-based practice states, "Evidence-based practice is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values." (Sacket et al ., 2000). The best hypno-therapists and psychotherapists are those who carefully combine their own clinical skill and experience with the best available research evidence relevant to their field, in a manner tailored to their clients' individual needs. Read more

Why become a Member?

All members will carry a professional designation, as a registered evidence-based practitioner, that can be displayed to demonstrate their status and grade. This provides both members of the public and other professionals with a unique and substantial form of assurance that they are dealing with a competent and trustworthy therapist. Members also benefit from unique access to contemporary independent research

Upcoming Events

One day workshop xyz etc etc Hypnotherapy Level II Training Course - 5/6 to 9/6

The Research Journal

The journal supplied to members of the Register is The International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (IJCEH). Founded in 1949, IJCEH is recognised as the leading research journal in the field of hypnosis. All Register members receive this journal which helps to ensure their practice is based upon current best evidence.
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Press Releases

Announcing the new Register New Diploma Launched